What does it mean to be Catholic in the Diocese of Buffalo?
That’s a difficult question for Catholics to answer these days. Other dioceses have struggled with the abuse scandal, but from talking with colleagues across the country – Buffalo has many unique elements which make us a major human mess.
Catastrophic (that may or may not be an overstatement) messes are the result of systems that may seem untouchable. I firmly believe the Catholic Church is proof that God exists because any other organization would have fallen with the messes it has made over the years (Crusades, Inquisition, Scandal, etc., etc.)
The Holy Spirit moves through human frailty, ignorance and error. The Worldwide Synod is a movement of the Holy Spirit to renovate our Catholic Church. It is happening in Buffalo and the words of Buffalo Catholics will be sent to the United States Bishops and to Rome.
Do you want to see our Catholic Church be what she’s called to be? Then please participate in a Synod Listening Session. I know – “there have been sessions before and nothing changes.” I’ve heard that from people, and I understand.
So why bother? I can say that I am helping with our report that Bishop Mike Fisher will take to the USCCB. So I can guarantee that the thoughts, concerns, hopes and dreams of the people of Buffalo will be included in our report. A listening session is 90 minutes – about the length of a movie. We can lament, do nothing or walk away – or give 90 minutes to try.
There will be listening sessions throughout the diocese. We’re having one at Immaculate Conception on Thur., May 19th 7-8:30pm that is open to the entire diocese. Here is a link to the rest of the sessions in our diocese: https://www.buffalodiocese.org/synod/
Please pray about participating in a session, and if you feel so moved invite others to do the same.